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NuGrid stellar data set I. Stellar yields from H to Bi for stars with metallicities Z = 0.02 and Z = 0.01

机译:NuGrid恒星数据集I.恒星产生从H到Bi的恒星   金属度Z = 0.02,Z = 0.01



We provide a set of stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis calculations thatapplies established physics assumptions simultaneously to low- andintermediate-mass and massive star models. Our goal is to provide an internallyconsistent and comprehensive nuclear production and yield data base forapplications in areas such as pre-solar grain studies. Our non-rotating modelsassume convective boundary mixing where it has been adopted before. We include8 (12) initial masses for $Z = 0.01$ ($0.02$). Models are followed either untilthe end of the asymptotic giant branch phase or the end of Si burning,complemented by a simple analytic core-collapse supernova models with twooptions for fallback and shock velocities. The explosions show whichpre-supernova yields will most strongly be effected by the explosivenucleosynthesis. We discuss how these two explosion parameters impacts thelight elements and the $s$ and $p$ process. For low- and intermediate-massmodels our stellar yields from H to Bi include the effect of convectiveboundary mixing at the He-intershell boundaries and the stellar evolutionfeedback of the mixing process that produces the $^{13}$C pocket. Allpost-processing nucleosynthesis calculations use the same nuclear reaction ratenetwork and nuclear physics input. We provide a discussion of the nuclearproduction across the entire mass range organized by element group. All ourstellar nucleosynthesis profile and time evolution output is availableelectronically, and tools to explore the data on the NuGrid VOspace hosted bythe Canadian Astronomical Data Centre are introduced.
机译:我们提供了一组恒星演化和核合成计算,这些计算将既定的物理假设同时应用于中低质量和大规模恒星模型。我们的目标是提供一个内部一致且全面的核生产和产量数据库,以供在太阳前谷物研究等领域中应用。我们的非旋转模型假定对流边界混合在以前已被采用。我们包括$ Z = 0.01 $($ 0.02 $)的8(12)个初始质量。遵循模型,直到渐近巨型分支阶段结束或硅燃烧结束,再辅以简单的解析核塌陷超新星模型,该模型具有回退速度和冲击速度两种选择。爆炸表明,超爆炸前的产量将最受爆炸性核合成的影响。我们讨论了这两个爆炸参数如何影响光元素以及$ s $和$ p $过程。对于低质量和中等质量的模型,我们从H到Bi的恒星产量包括He-intershell边界处的对流边界混合效应和产生$ ^ {13} $ C囊的混合过程的恒星演化反馈。所有后处理核合成计算均使用相同的核反应速率网络和核物理输入。我们对按元素组组织的整个质量范围内的核生产进行了讨论。我们所有的星核合成图谱和时间演化输出都可以通过电子方式获得,并且介绍了在加拿大天文数据中心托管的NuGrid VOspace上探索数据的工具。



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